Christmas Art
Here are three Christmas-themed art projects you can do with the kids.

Super easy and the kids love them! We painted the centre of the plate peach and, once the paint had dried, stuck on a cotton wool beard and googly eyes. We cut out a hat template separately and painted it red. We decorated it with some more cotton wool to look more like a Santa hat and then glued it to the top of Santa’s face. After a quick demonstration and with leaving a master template to look at, the children were easily able to do this one independently as an Aistear art activity.

We made Christmas trees with strips of paper. The children were given a simple Christmas tree outline and filled it in using strips of paper. There was lots of creativity involved as some children went for a straight line, some went for a traditional looking tree and some made really abstract ones! There was also lots of problem-solving required to cut the strips of paper to just the right size for the trees!

This was such an easy craft. We cut out shapes (stars for this particular example) and stuck them to the jar with blu-tac. After this we painted the whole jar in PVA glue and rolled it in a mixture of sugar and glitter. We carefully pealed off the star shapes and tied a ribbon around the top when it was dry! It was so sparkly with a tea light shining through at night time!

These were so easy to make and the children loved bringing them home to count down the days until Christmas!

The children love any opportunity to bake and there’s no better time than Christmas. This is a particularly nice activity to do with the children in the mental few days before the holidays! We baked some simple biscuits and used Christmas shaped cookie cutters! The best bit is the decorating and each biscuit was decorated with icing, sprinkles, jellies and smarties!
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