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Abair Liom

Posted by in Gaeilge

Abair Liom is the most recent (as of mid-2017) Irish programme to be published by Folens.

I have used it since it was released and I think it is so refreshing. It really brings the Irish language into the 21st century.


The programme contains a pupil workbook, a teachers handbook, flash cards, puppets and the digital software on

The teacher’s handbook contains everything you need to teach the programme. It is packed with information from games to long-term plans to assessment and from templates to detailed daily notes and everything in between. Each week has a specific set of new vocabulary and there are colourful flashcards to reinforce the learning of this new vocabulary. Finally, the puppets of the main characters add a really fun element, especially for younger children.

The digital material is extensive and makes the programme really interactive. Each new chapter contains an interactive poster, new vocabulary, a story, a poem, a song, a game, conversational dialog, digital versions of the flashcards and teaching notes. I love it and so do the children – they often choose Abair Liom as their activity for Golden Time! Now if that doesn’t shout grá, I don’t know what does!


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