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Seachtain Na Gaeilge

Posted by in Gaeilge

Here are eight ideas on how to incorporate Seachtain Na Gaeilge in your infant classroom.



1. Ceolchoirm

Have your class preform a short song or poem for the rest of the school. If you’re brave enough why not invite the parents in to see their angels preform too!

parade-clipart-11_kids_parade2. Paráid

Have the children dress up as a profession, food, animal etc. and parade around the school telling everyone what they are (in Irish, of course).

SL3. Scríobh Leabhar 

Have the children write a simple book in Irish to show to the rest of the school. Each child could write their own book or each child could do one page to be put together to make a class book. For example, the children could make a book titled ‘Bia’ or ‘Eadaí’ and each page in the book could depict an item to which the children know the Irish word for.


4. Lé Glas

A day dedicated to the colour green! Make the colour green, dye things green, write in green all day and of course wear green to school!


5. Irish Dancing

Practice your dancing skills and teach the children a jig or a reel. You might even be lucky enough to know a professional who could come in a save you the shame of trying to imitate Jean Butler or Michael Flatley!


6. Bingo 

Always a favourite with infants. Play Bingo using any of the vocab that your infants know!


7. Teilifís

Enjoy listening to the language by watching a short cartoon on TG4 during eating time!


8. Art Competition

Create a piece of art with an Irish theme.

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